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Dr. Barbara Di Eugenio is named a 2023 ACL Fellow

Congratulations to Prof. Barbara Di Eugenio for being named one of only five 2023 Fellows of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)! From the ACL Wiki, “the Fellows program recognizes ACL members whose…

New Grant from the National Science Foundation

Natalie Parde is the Principal Investigator of this $1,171,723 grant, working closely with Co-PIs Mary Khetani (UIC Occupational Therapy) and Jodi Dooling-Litfin (Rocky Mountain Human Services). The grant was funded by the National…

Mina and four of her committee members in front of her slideshow after her defense

Mina Valizadeh defends her PhD thesis

Congratulations to Mina Valizadeh for successfully defending her PhD thesis on November 21, 2022! The title of her thesis is “Identifying Medical Self-Disclosure in Online Communities”. Mina’s committee members included: Natalie Parde (advisor;…

Abhinav with his committee members after his defense, three in person and two virtual

Abhinav Kumar defends his PhD thesis

On May 16, 2022, Abhinav Kumar successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled: “Towards a Context-Aware Intelligent Assistant for Multimodal Exploratory Visualization Dialogue”. His committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor; CS, UIC), Andrew Johnson…

Screenshot of Itika's virtual defense on Zoom, showing Itika and her five committee members

Itika Gupta defends her PhD thesis

On April 14, 2021, Itika Gupta successfully defended her PhD thesis (over Zoom) entitled: “Modeling Health Coaching Dialogues for Extracting Behavioral Goals”. Her committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor; CS, UIC), Brian D.…

New Grant from the Office Ergonomics Research Committee

Prof. Natalie Parde is co-Principal Investigator, with Profs. Heejin Jeong (PI) and Myunghee Kim (co-PI) of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) Department at UIC, on a new grant awarded by the Office…

New NSF Grant on Democratizing Visual Analysis

Prof. Barbara Di Eugenio is co-Principal Investigator, with Prof. Andy Johnson of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at UIC, on a new NSF award entitled “Articulate+ – A Conversational Interface for Democratizing Visual…

Mehrdad Alizadeh defends his PhD thesis

Congratulations to Mehrdad Alizadeh for successfully defending his thesis (virtually!) entitled “Enhancing Visual Question Answering with Linguistic Information” on May 22, 2020! His committee included Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor; CS, UIC), Natalie Parde…

Sabita Acharya with three of her committee members: Barbara Di Eugenio, Andrew Boyd, and Richard Cameron

Sabita Acharya defends her PhD thesis

Sabita Acharya successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled: “Generating Personalized Hospital-stay Summaries for Patients” Her committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor), Andrew Johnson, Debaleena Chattopadhyay, Andrew Boyd, and Richard Cameron


New funding from the National Science Foundation

Prof. Barbara Di Eugenio is co-Principal Investigator on a new NSF award that will support the lab work on human-robot interaction. The award is titled “An Interaction Manager for Language and Force Exchanges…


Nick Green defends his PhD thesis

Nick Green successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled: “Example Based Pedagogical Strategies in a Computer Science Intelligent Tutoring System” His committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor), Tom Moher (CS, UIC), Ugo Buy (CS,…


Rachel Harsley defends her PhD

Rachel Harsley successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled: “Supporting Effective Collaborative Learning in A Computer Science Intelligent Tutoring System” Her committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor), Tom Moher (CS, UIC), Susan Goldman (LAS,…

NLP Lab Receives the Best Paper Award at ICEduTech

The NLP lab recently received the best paper award at the IADIS International Conference on Educational Technologies (ICEduTech) 2015 in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The paper, “Student Behavior with Worked-out Examples in a Computer…

Lin Chen

Lin Chen defends his PhD thesis (May 29, 2014)

Lin Chen successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled: “Towards Modeling Collaborative Task Oriented Multimodal Human-human Dialogues” His committee included: Barbara Di Eugenio (advisor), Milos Zefran (ECE, UIC), Jason Leigh (UHawai’i Manoa), Piotr Gmytrasiewicz…


NLP lab lunch (May 7th, 2014)

We had fun celebrating the end of the AY 13-14 and  some nice accomplishments of the past year: three PhD students taking their WCPs (Written Preliminary Exams): Green, Harsley and Randolph three students…


Joel Booth PhD Thesis Defense

Joel Booth defended his dissertation on Monday, October 18, 2011.  His talk was titled Modeling and Querying Multimodal Urban Transportation Networks.

NLP lab receives support from Yahoo! to mine microblogs

Prof. Di Eugenio has received a $10000 Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement award to support the project “Mining life-stage events and user personas in microblogs”.  The project focuses on: 1. Capturing life-stage events. …

Swati Tata Defends Her Thesis

Date and time: 19th April 2010, 1:00 PM Location: 219 SEO Committee: Prof. Barbara Di Eugenio, Prof. Peter Nelson, Prof. Bing Liu, Dr. Susan McRoy (University Of Wisconsin, Madison), Dr. Swee Mok (Motorola…

Davide Fossati receives award for Volunteer Service

The Chancellor’s Student Service Award Committee presents its awards for volunteer service on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 in the Illinois Room of UIC Student Center East. The reception will begin at 5:00 p.m.…