Photo of Di Eugenio, Barbara

Barbara Di Eugenio, PhD


Department of Computer Science


Building & Room:

916 SEO


1120 Science & Engineering Offices ( MC 152 ) 851 South Morgan, Chicago, IL 60607

Office Phone:

(312) 996 - 7566


I am a Professor in the department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago

I come from Torino (Turin), in northwestern Italy, home of the Mole Antonelliana, the Shroud of Turin, and the Winter Olympics 2006.

The correct spelling of my last name is "Di Eugenio", as two separate words


My main area of research is Natural Language Processing (NLP), and its application to human-computer interaction, educational technology, human-robot interaction, and multimedia systems. My goal is to use NLP to support both education and instruction, and collaboration between human or artificial agents. The theoretical aspects of my research concern the linguistic analysis, and the knowledge representation and reasoning that support the understanding and generation of NL discourse and dialogue. All my research has its empirical foundations in both qualitative and quantitative corpus analysis, including data mining techniques.

Honors and Awards

  • Who's who in America (2001)
  • Fulbright Fellowship (1987)